Friday, December 31, 2010

Thursday, December 30, 2010

My year in pictures

Sort of break from the long 30 pic list, but here is a picture for every month of this past year!

The day we got married :) January
Our first Valentine's Day! February
Matt's bday! (around) March
Partying Easter weekend with the sis and cousins :) April
Wine tour at Adams County Winery! May
Corinne got married :) June
I moved to NC to be with the hubs! Our house! July
I got to visit Oliver (and Dot and Dave and Julia)! August
Freedom walk with CW . Still thinking of you Chrissy ♥ September
Officially obsessed with Scentsy. October
Officers' Ball! November
Matty gets 1st Lieutenant :)

Day 07 – A picture of your most treasured item.

This is tough. I'm not big on material things. So I guess it would have to be my wedding band (which will have an "engagement ring" with it soon!!!). It was Matt's late grandmother, so it was so nice that his mom gave it to me!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day 06 – A picture of a person you’d love to trade places with for a day.

This one is childish and easy. The first thought that came to my mind!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Day 05 – A picture of your favorite memory.

This is a tough one. It's a tossup between getting married and my time in Australia. So here are pics from both :)

Can you see what's in the tree? :)
I love this man SO much.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Day 04 – A picture of your night.

Ummm, which night? It's not night yet. So here's a picture from yesterday evening I guess...

It's from two nights ago. Nothing from last night. But drinking and watching movies was fun :-p

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Day 03 – A picture of the cast from your favorite show.

Seriously, I have to choose just one???

I'm for the show Matt and I are SO excited to have the next season come next week!!!

Greek :)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Day 02 – A picture of you and the person you have been close with for awhile.

This one is tough. There are so many people to choose from! But I decided to go with Brenner. I miss her SO much, and miss our bus trips and Happy Hours!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Day 1 - A picture of yourself with fifteen facts

1. I love to cook. I'm still learning a lot, and I HATE cleanup, but I love making tasty things!

2. I have to work with impulses. It sometimes sucks and I spend too much, BUT it keeps me from being a packrat since I'll impulsively get rid of things!

3. I can spend hours listening to the Country station on Music Choice and crocheting. In fact I did that when Matt was in Fort Pickett!

4. I'm obsessed with my cats (hey, they didn't have to be UNKNOWN facts...). They're so sweet and know just what to do to make me smile.

5. I don't know what my hair color is. It used to be sort of blonde, sort of brown. Now it's leaning more towards just light brown. I want my natural blonde highlights back!

6. My husband completes me. That is all.

7. I finally have stopped the awful habit of biting and picking my nails off! It's wonderful, but weird to have to use nail clippers. :-p

8. I'm SO excited for Christmas tomorrow!!!!

9. I can't wait for Jenn to be here for six weeks. I'm ready for some much needed Jenn and wine time :)

10. I want a job. And soon. I'm getting bored.

11. I love all the friends I've made in the past six months. So far this USMC lifestyle has been a wonderful whirlwind!

12. I have a strange phobia over seizures. I don't get them, but I'm terrified that I'll randomly have one or that someone will have one on or near me (yes, both of those concerning other people HAVE happened in the past).

13. My favorite colors are brown, green, and blue. Guess it's the hippie in me!

14. I love getting presents for people more than receiving them.

15. I'm a wino. As you can see from the picture :-p

A new 30 Day Challenge!

Here it is :)

Day 01 – A picture of yourself with fifteen facts.
Day 02 – A picture of you and the person you have been close with for awhile.
Day 03 – A picture of the cast from your favorite show.
Day 04 – A picture of your night.
Day 05 – A picture of your favorite memory.
Day 06 – A picture of a person you’d love to trade places with for a day.
Day 07 – A picture of your most treasured item.
Day 08 – A picture that makes you laugh.
Day 09 – A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.
Day 10 – A picture of the person you do the most jacked up things with.
Day 11 – A picture of something you hate.
Day 12 – A picture of something you love.
Day 13 – A picture of your favorite band or artist.
Day 14 – A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without.
Day 15 – A picture of something you want to do before you die.
Day 16 – A picture of someone who inspires you.
Day 17 – A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently.
Day 18 – A picture of your biggest insecurity.
Day 19 – A picture of you when you were little.
Day 20 – A picture of somewhere you’d love to travel.
Day 21 – A picture of something you wish you could forget.
Day 22 – A picture of something you wish you were better at.
Day 23 – A picture of your favorite book.
Day 24 – A picture of something you wish you could change.
Day 25 – A picture of your day.
Day 26 – A picture of something that means a lot to you.
Day 27 – A picture of yourself and a family member.
Day 28 – A picture of something you’re afraid of.
Day 29 – A picture that can always make you smile.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

I am so proud...

Of two things.

First, that my husband understands if I keep secrets from him. He's so easy about it, knowing I'll tell him what I need to and allowing us to both have things people can tell us that we won't tell the other.

Second, that people trust me. It is seriously SUCH an honor to know that people can come to me, tell them whatever they want, and know that it won't go anywhere. Whenever someone comes to me with something, first it's all about them, but also I really do feel proud that we can talk and they know there is trust there.
I've found that it can be hard to really trust someone. Especially with the "well they told me not to tell but I'll just tell you and you can't tell anyone." HELLO that's telling someone!!!

But yes, just the random thought that I'm so happy that people know it can stay with me. And that Matt doesn't even have to know and that I will help them through whatever as much as I can :)

I ♥ my life